
TeenPact 2006

Ahhhh . . . blogging again. As most of you know, I was at TeenPact 2006 State Class this past week. Everyone who was there agreed that it was the greatest TeenPact experience they had ever had. TeenPact is a one-week intensive government and civics training class. Students arrive on Monday afternoon and launch into the Capitol firsthand. TeenPact participants are introduced to the legislative process in several ways, the most notable being the mock legislature run by the staff according to the rules and regulations of the State legislature. Students bring bills and debate them in a parliamentary forum with strict operating guidelines. Freedom can also mean power. This year, the TeenPact alumni put their heads together and submitted a House Floor Resolution "respectfully impeaching" the Speaker of the House (a staff member) and instituting one of the alumni in his place. At first, the staff denied that the resolution was actually binding. But after a concerted effort on the part of the students and the aid of several friendly staff, the majority finally won over and put Michael Brantingham, a 4th-year TeenPacter, behind the gavel. Victory at last! Unfortunately, this all happened the day before TeenPact ended. So Michael only held the gavel for about ten minutes; not long enough to have any fun. Next year, we will try to set everything up the first day so that the students will be in control for the duration. And you never know: maybe I will be the new Speaker. . . . At night, many of the students stayed at Cedarmore Baptist Camp in Baghdad. Through evening praise-and-worship, lecture sessions, and the TeenPact official sport (Ultimate Frisbee!), the TeenPacters grew closer to the Lord and closer to each other. I would definitely advise everyone who reads my blog to attend TeenPact next year. The program is open to 14-18 year-olds. To find out more, go to www.TeenPact.com!
I have a ton of things to do this week, including school work, office work, Student Leadership Council duties, and writing an article for the second edition of Regenerate Our Culture. For those of you who have not yet checked out this awesome effort, I would advise you to do so now! Thanks to all my readers! I will be coming out with a few more articles in the next few days dealing with some very critical issues . . . keep checking back in! In Him, David S. MacMillan III


Anonymous said...

TeenPact is an amazing experience. It was what originally got me excited about politics, debate, and PHC which eventually led me to Generation Joshua. Attending TeenPact is a great springboard for those unfamiliar with government and want to get involved.

Silas said...

Teenpact is moving up to our state in about a month. Glad you had a good time.

Last year when I was presenting a bill on the floor - I was challenged to a duel by one of the staff for admitting that I was a Yankees fan... The slip of the tongue probably also cost me the governor race…

Katie B. said...

hey David,
I went last year to teenpact CT and I thought it was a good way to teach government. I didn't want to go at first - but now I'm glad I had that experience. I wish I went this year.

ps visit my youthgroups blog - it's wonbyoneyouth.blogspot.com